BlogTags - Behavioural Science

12 October, 2021

Combatting Cognitive Human Biases with a Digital Engagement Platform

Behavioral science has revealed that the human mind is wired to take shortcuts to make quick analyses, conclusions, or decisions about people. This often results in what is called ‘cognitive bias’. While these mental shortcuts or ‘heuristics’ save us a lot of effort in everyday decision-making, they can often trip us up, especially in a work environment. This can result in a compromised workplace culture and inefficient people management. This blog will discuss the various types of biases and how an effective employee engagement platform can be leveraged to keep them at bay. Recency Bias: Challenge- Simply put, this bias…

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5 October, 2021

Using Nudges to Boost RnR Platform Adoption

Nudges are ways to rearrange one’s environment to encourage a particular response. According to the revolutionary founders of the Nudge theory, a ‘choice architecture’ can influence us to pick a better choice for ourselves, thereby forming healthy habits. We already know through behavioral science that humans are primarily emotional beings and often make irrational decisions based on their subconscious mind. Decision-making is a tedious process, right from what to eat to which email to respond to. Therefore, to ensure our survival, our brains have developed ‘instinctive shortcuts’ to help us take micro-decisions faster. In other words, if there’s an easier…

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14 January, 2021

Improving employee engagement using the ‘Hawthorne Effect’

The Hawthorne effect is a theory derived from a pioneering multi-disciplinary research study conducted by Elton Mayo, a renowned sociologist and his associates in the late 1920s and early 1930s. During that era, the industrial revolution was in full swing. Workers were treated as nothing more than machines, who were assumed to work purely for financial incentives. However, the times also gave rise to labor unions and there was increased media scrutiny on the poor working conditions experienced by industrial workers. Organizations, therefore, began to look into improving their corporate images and investigating possible ways to reduce employee dissatisfaction and…

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