Blog6 Employee Engagement Activities to Promote Mental Health Awareness

6 Employee Engagement Activities to Promote Mental Health Awareness

25 January, 2023

6 Employee Engagement Activities to Promote Mental Health Awareness

Employee engagement programs are quintessential to the overall success of an organization as they impact a multitude of business aspects such as the organizational culture, employee experience, productivity, and performance. Interestingly enough, apart from these palpable benefits, employee engagement is also proven to have a positive influence on the mental health of people.  

The budding awareness and realization around the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing has permeated workplaces worldwide, and with good reason- Mental health issues negatively affect an employee’s ability to work, lowering job productivity by as much as 35%. Thus, it should come as no surprise that many organizations are devising multipronged employee wellness strategies to keep the emotional quotient of their workforce in check.

Here are 6 employee engagement strategies to manage mental health at work.

1. Administer Mental Health Surveys and Polls

Conducting surveys and polls is a great start toward assessing the psychological condition of your employees as it can help evaluate the stressors that they may encounter at work. Is your workforce chronically disengaged or demotivated? Is there a chance of burnout? Are your employees thriving in the organizational culture? Such burning questions can be addressed through confidential surveys that can be created and administered using an employee engagement platform.

Collecting anonymous feedback from employees about their level of psychological safety in your workplace can offer valuable insights that can be leveraged to determine the improvement areas and accordingly formulate improved policies and structures.

2. Normalize the Discussion Around Mental Health

Considering how prevalent mental health issues are, especially now; the colossal stigma attached to talking about them in the workplace is alarming. This trepidation stems from the fear of repercussions such as loss of trust and being seen as unreliable. The Harvard Business Review found that most employees are least comfortable disclosing their apprehensions to HR.

Set your organization apart by destigmatizing mental health- Encourage leaders to lead by example and initiate open conversations with their team members. You can use employee engagement tools available in an R&R platform to facilitate this process, such as wellness E-cards and health-based rewards.

3. Encourage Random Acts of Kindness

Performing random acts of kindness not only provides a momentary happiness to both the giver and the receiver, but also boosts emotional wellbeing in the long run. Being kind- whether by opening a door for a colleague or offering to help with a project- can keep you as well as others engaged and happy, courtesy a ripple effect. 

Check out our blog on the importance of kindness in the workplace.

4. Extend Access to Mental Wellness Professionals

Offer opportunities where your employees can discuss their personal wellbeing confidentially, whether that be a virtual discussion forum or a hotline number for counselling. You can also invite healthcare professionals to conduct awareness seminars and coach employees with psychological issues. Connect with us to understand how an employee engagement software can assist your wellness strategies!

5. Conduct Team-Building Activities and Contests

Get creative with your team events by turning them into an engaging mental health awareness activity. You can conduct an org-wide contest with the hashtag #MentalHealthMatters where employees can post facts, inspirational quotes, or self-help tips over the R&R platform’s social wall.

The most helpful and insightful entries can be awarded with a relevant reward or recognition along with a mention on the leaderboard as a proverbial “pat on the back”!

6. Physical Activity is Key!

Consider arranging physical activities as part of the overall employee engagement program. Some interesting ideas include meditation, yoga, sports, karate sessions, and adventurous activities. Research has proven that being physically fit plays a major role in streamlining mental health, so spur the employee experience in your organization by planning a tasteful mix of physical and virtual activities!

Employee Wellness is the Stepping Stone to Business Success!

According to the WHO, “Workplaces that promote mental health and support people with mental disorders are more likely to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, and benefit from associated economic gains.” Thus, when mental health awareness is brought into the spotlight with lighthearted yet impactful strategies, it can have a profound impact on your workforce.

Reach out today to understand how our novel employee engagement platform can contribute to the mental wellbeing of your employees!

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