BlogHow to Build a Fairer Workplace

How to Build a Fairer Workplace

9 March, 2022

How to Build a Fairer Workplace

The onset of March marks two important junctures- International Women’s Day as well as Women’s History Month. Evidently, this presents a significant opportunity in the corporate world to assess Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace as an effort to strengthen the underrepresented groups that form an integral part of your workforce. Inherent social biases including gender, age, ethnicity, caste, sexual orientation, and economic status often deteriorate cultural health; biased favoritism breeds resentment toward favored individuals including the employer. Thus, fair and consistent treatment of employees in the workplace is rudimentary to build trust, deepen loyalty, and spur productivity.

However, catalyzing an unprejudiced work culture is easier said than done; but you have to start somewhere- and what better time than International Women’s Day? With this in mind, we have outlined key strategies your organization can adopt to weave fairness into the workplace!

How Inequality Impacts the Workplace

The discrimination toward specific employee groups need not always be explicit in nature; oftentimes, these micro-aggressions present themselves as individuals with diminished representation having their expertise questioned, having to provide more evidence for their claims, or being called out for miniscule errors. A recent study found that women at work continue to be vastly underrepresented at every level. Such unfair biases can cripple workplace bonding and collaboration, as well as can negatively influence managerial decisions about performance and opportunities for professional advancement.

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Fairer Workplace

Effectuating a fair workplace starts with adopting a non-partisan approach toward employee appreciation. Management should have appropriate infrastructure in place to recognize and reward employees through impartial measurement systems, so that equal opportunity becomes the norm.

Additionally, nurturing a diverse workforce comes with its own benefits. For instance, a McKinsey study found that gender diversity has a positive correlation with both profitability and value creation. Their research showed that top-quartile companies for executive-level gender diversity have a 21% likelihood of financially outperforming those in the fourth-quartile. Therefore, investing in a DEI-supported architecture for employee development is elementary to erecting a fair-minded organization.

How Can a Digital R&R Platform Help?

A Bias-Free R&R Framework: Fairness of distribution is crucial in reaffirming that everyone receives an equal opportunity to be recognized. A digital R&R platform can help create a bias-free culture by making the rewards structure digital, transparent, and visible.

Org-Wide Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms: Pulse surveys and confidential peer-to-manager feedback arranged through an employee engagement software can further boost processes of transparency. Complemented by an open door policy for all leaders and well-devised upward feedback mechanisms, this allows team members the opportunity to voice concerns or constructive criticisms via a fair communication channel.

Intelligent Nudge Architecture: Nudging managers and employees to turn good intentions into inclusive actions is a powerful step toward culture change. An R&R platform can encourage employees and managers to recognize others periodically through multi-channel notifications over SMS, WhatsApp, and Email.

Data-Driven Insights on Recognition Biases: Automated reports on recognition biases pertaining to frequency, favoritism, and positive versus improvement feedback can help identify and scrutinize bias on a managerial level.

Emphasize the Business Case for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion!

If businesses are to grow and thrive now and in the future, it is imperative to elevate the voices of every workforce facet and eliminate institutional barriers to their mutual success. Any company that wants to realize the full potential of its employees should be taking action to create fair and inclusive workplaces where authenticity is preached and practiced, over conformity. Suffice to say, being intentional about DEI soundly resonates with the intention of building a better workplace!

Need help in formulating an employee recognition program that can promote fairness in your organization? Connect with us now!

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